The following post is a close analog to an exchange I had in 2016:
From a questioner : “What does God have to do with science?”
The creator of the known physical laws of the Universe is also the creator of a pattern for us to live by. We are made for a purpose. When I was at the top of Mt. Pastukhov, in Russia, I asked some astronomers there if they’d ever heard of the Westminster Catechism from 1646 where the purpose of life is addressed. These well-educated astronomers, the top astronomers in the former Soviet Union all said: No, they’d never heard of it.
I told them that the purpose of our lives is to know God and enjoy Him forever. Isaiah wrote “everyone who is called by my name, whom I have created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” Isaiah 43:7
Questioner : ‘Yes but just because you were speaking to scientists doesn’t mean you answered my question. “What does God have to do with science?” ‘
That’s similar to asking a doctor, What does medical school have to do with medicine? The answers to life are given in the life-giver. Jesus says: “I came to give you life.” But I think what you may be meaning to ask is: ‘What part of science can be addressed by a belief in God?’
There are at least three excellent evidences for God: And one of them is related to science: The origin of physical life on Earth. There are no known physical processes which could come together to create molecules like an RNA or DNA. There are no known physical processes which acting together could assemble purely left-handed amino acids into a protein. And these are not even living entities. But these amazing physical structures are within every living thing. Many high-school and undergraduate college biology textbooks imply that these structures came about by “just waiting long enough”. Time is not the constraining factor in the creation of these structures. Intelligence is. These structures contain Information. Stephen Meyer’s book “Signature in the Cell” has a lot to say about this.
Thank you Jeffrey. Read this about 6 weeks ago and failed to leave a comment. God has ways of getting our attention no matter who you are. It’s often difficult to set aside preconceived ideas.
Thanks Dan. It’s important to recognize when God is trying to get our attention. But sometimes when we’re interacting with godliness to someone not yet in the Kingdom of God, He is using you to get someone else’s attention.
And you’re right, it IS difficult to set aside preconceived ideas… about scripture, about our fellow man and even about God’s will for us.
He isn’t so interested in us getting the answers right as He is in us having the right trajectory….towards Him.